David Bowmaker
B.Sc (Physio), M.Sc (Sports Science), M.Phty (Manip Physio), MCSP, HCPC, ACPSEM
Chartered Physiotherapist
Available: Monday - Thursday (Falkirk)
David has an immense passion for physiotherapy solutions to help people improve and maintain long term health and fitness. His enthusiasm and passion is the driving force behind his treatment as well as guiding the continual development of Life Fit Wellness. David is a firm advocate of self-management and the use of both specific therapeutic, and general exercise to maximise recovery and achieve long-term sustainable improvements, optimal health and function. In addition to physical activity he is also an advocate for the broader lifestyle variables such as Diet, Mental Wellbeing, Healthy Relationships, Sleep and Avoiding Harmful Substances as defined by The British Society of Lifestyle Medicine of which he is studying to become a Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner.
Having completed his BSc Physiotherapy, 1991 at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh he then completed an MSc in Sports Science, 1992 at Loughborough University. Clinical work began at The Western General Hospital in Edinburgh where, after several rotations through a variety of medical specialities, he began to specialise in Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy. In order to further satisfy his thirst for knowledge, he studied a Masters Degree in Manipulative Physiotherapy at The University of South Australia being taught, supervised and mentored by some the world’s most eminent physiotherapists.
Since this time he has used his extensive knowledge and experience to treat elite athletes across many disciplines including Athletics, Swimming, Badminton, Tennis, Football and Golf. Through his role as the Lead Physiotherapist at The Scottish Institute of Sport he has joined Scottish and British teams at many sporting events including World Championships, Commonwealth Games, Winter Olympics and Olympics.
David’s specific clinical interests are varied and include the management of complex long term conditions, shoulders (especially in racquet sports), hamstrings, sporting injuries, the development of young athletes and spinal rehabilitation.
Alongside his co-director Stewart, David has published research related to Swimming and Shoulder Pain and is currently working on Shoulder Pain in Tennis as well as being involved in multiple small research projects within the clinic.
David enjoys guiding patients into the gym and takes great pride in designing individualised conditioning and rehabilitation programmes appropriate to their specific problem and areas they want to improve on. As well as using his expert physiotherapy and sports science knowledge, he utilises his own sporting experience from Badminton, Tennis, Taekwondo, Running and Nordic Walking. David is also a qualified level 2 tennis coach and Nordic walking Instructor.
Although his passion lies with time in the treatment room and his varied patient demographic, David is also responsible for the overall running, management and development of Life Fit Wellness. Alongside his co-directors Arlene and Stewart, the ethos of optimal care, excellence in customer service and ongoing education and development is permeated throughout the clinic.
As an advocate for physical activity and practising what he preaches, David regularly attends Pilates classes, plays and competes at Padel Tennis, Nordic walks, does weight training and occasionally runs. In keeping with his own personal quest for optimal health David, as well as being physically very active, he is very focussed on healthy eating, strives for optimal sleep patterns, does various activities to maintain good mental health, enjoys quality time with his friends and family, and avoids harmful substances as much as possible whilst still enjoying nights out with his friends!
Bradley, John PhD; Kerr, Stewart MSc; Bowmaker, David MSc, MPhty; Gomez, Jean-Francois PhD
A Swim-Specific Shoulder Strength and Conditioning Program for Front Crawl Swimmers
Strength & Conditioning Journal: August 2019 – Volume 41 – Issue 4 – p 1–17.
Bradley, John; Kerr, Stewart; Bowmaker, David; Gomez, Jean-Francois. (2016).
Review of Shoulder Injuries and Shoulder Problems in Competitive Swimmers.
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Vol. 4, 2016 Pages 57-73, 4(3), 57–73.