Steroid Injections (Cortisone)

What is a corticosteroid injection?

Corticosteroid injections (otherwise known as cortisone or steroid injections) are a common and effective treatment option for various musculoskeletal conditions affecting the upper and lower limbs. These injections contain corticosteroid medications, which are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation in affected joints, tendons, bursae or in certain nerve conditions.

Conditions Treated with Steroid Injection

Corticosteroid injections are often recommended for the following musculoskeletal conditions:

  1. Tendinitis or Tendinopathy: Inflammation or degeneration of tendons, commonly affecting the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle.
  2. Bursitis: Inflammation of bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion and reduce friction between bones, tendons, and muscles.
  3. Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease causing pain and stiffness in joints like the knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.
  4. Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disorder leading to chronic inflammation in multiple joints.
  5. Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow: Specific types of tendinitis affecting the elbow.
  6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Compression of the median nerve in the wrist, causing pain and numbness in the hand and fingers.
  7. Plantar Fasciitis: Inflammation of the plantar fascia, causing heel pain.

Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injections

At Life Fit Wellness, we offer ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injections, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and efficacy. Ultrasound guidance allows our highly qualified and skilled practitioners to precisely target the affected area and administer the medication directly to the inflamed site.

The benefits of ultrasound-guided injections include:

  1. Enhanced Precision: Ultrasound imaging enables real-time visualization of the injection needle, ensuring accurate delivery of the medication to the affected area.
  2. Reduced Risk: With precise targeting, there is a reduced risk of complications, and nearby structures, such as nerves and blood vessels, can be avoided.
  3. Improved Outcomes: Ultrasound guidance enhances the chances of successful treatment, leading to better and more long-lasting pain relief.

Risks and Side Effects

  1. Temporary Pain: Mild pain or discomfort at the injection site, which usually resolves within a day or two.
  2. Infection: Though rare, there is a minimal risk of infection at the injection site.
  3. Tendon Weakening: Repeated injections near tendons can occasionally lead to weakening or rupture of the tendon. This is why injections are carefully considered and there is a limit to how many and how frequently they are administered.
  4. Advancement of Arthritis: Repeated corticosteroid injections into a joint can result in advancement of osteoarthritis and therefore the number and frequency of injections is limited.
  5. Allergic Reaction: In rare cases, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to the corticosteroid medication.
  6. Bleeding or Bruising: This is more common in patients who have blood clotting disorders or those taking blood thinning medication. You should advise our clinic if this may apply to you before attending.
  7. Skin discoloration: Occasionally patients will develop a small light dimple on the skin at the injection site, known as fat atrophy and skin depigmentation. This is generally seen as cosmetic and typically will resolve with time.
  8. Altered Diabetic Control: Patients with diabetes should have good control of their diabetes prior to a steroid injection and if in doubt they should check with their doctor or diabetic nurse prior to injection.


At Life Fit Wellness, we understand the impact musculoskeletal conditions can have on your daily life. Ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injections are a safe and effective treatment option to help alleviate pain and improve your quality of life. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your upper or lower limbs, contact us or book and appointment below to determine if ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injections are the right option for you.

Please note that medical advice and treatment should always be provided by qualified healthcare professionals. This page is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.


Consultation + Ultrasound Scan + Steroid Injection = £250

Consultation + Ultrasound Scan + 2 x Steroid Injections = £300

Consultation + Ultrasound Scan + Hip Joint Steroid Injection = £300

Consultation + Ultrasound Scan + 2 x Hip Joint Steroid Injection = £350