Life Fit Blog

Little ones, lockdown and the challenge of staying level headed!

Posted 4 years ago

By Mhairi Bruce, Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist.

As many of my clients will know, I was on maternity from June 2019 and all ready and raring to return to the wonderful world of work at Life Fit Wellness in April 2020.

However, like all good stories there was a plot twist that no one saw coming! As a result none of us are doing quite what we had hoped, dreamed or planned! So, instead of re-engaging the baby brain, I’ve been at home with two young children and a husband on endless conference calls!

Some six months later we are still riding the Covid coaster and like everyone else in this period, I’ve experienced some breath taking highs and stomach churning lows. Yet we are all still powering on and finding our new normal on a ground that constantly shifts.

The Up’s:

• Endless time with my babies, real quality time, not rushing to classes or appointments, but taking each day as it comes and seeing what it will bring.

• Baking continually!

• Having my husband at home to do breakfast while I might sneak 10 more mins in. bed! What a luxury after being up 8 times in the night…

The Downs:

• Baby and toddler singing toys!

• Too much cake.

• Lack of socialising.

• Not getting back to work and having a purpose outside of mum duties.

After weeks of lockdown I felt deflated. On reflection, I feel it was related to the lack of adult interaction coupled by not making any time for myself. Tricky to do when you’re being held hostage by toddlers!

By the time restrictions started to ease I was determined to make the time to get back to doing some of the things I ‘normally’ did and enjoyed. I attended Pilates with Arlene, although this time in the virtual realm, went for a socially distanced power walk at night with a friend, and scheduled time to meet a friend outside for a chat, again socially distanced but at least feeling emotionally connected.

To take small chunks of ‘time out’ made a huge difference to my mind and body.

I was delighted when I had the green light to get back to being an active member of the Life Fit team, providing a range of remedial and sports massage services. I felt raring to go and in the right frame of mind to do an even better job than before!

Thanks to my experiences I have more of an understanding of the mental and physical challenge recent events have been for many people. Having seen my husband working from home with basic equipment (yes, I was a nice wife and gave him regular massages to keep him going!) and not getting gym or Pilates time myself (and my body really missing it)! Also, not to mention the lack of, or non-existent socialising, and having to fit into the roles of teacher, parent, and employee…the list goes on.

Life in lockdown forced me to slow down, appreciate the small things and not feel guilty about finding ways to treat myself. Now I’m back at work, with a routine firmly established, offering sports or remedial massage on Monday evenings and Saturday mornings. By being back at work, and having clients to see, you really don’t know how much you’ve all help me!

If you think I can contribute positively to your life, perhaps with a remedial massage to ease the strains of home working, or simply as a way to be kind to yourself, or a sports massage to aid recovery now that you are back in the gym, then do get in touch it would be great to meet you.