Kate Leishman
Pelvic Health Specialist Physiotherapist
Available: Thursday (Falkirk) & alternate Saturdays (Linlithgow)
Having graduated in 1997 with a BSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy, Kate went onto to gain general physiotherapy experience working in both acute and community settings within Lothian. Fairly early on, Kate realised that she had a specific interest in pregnancy and birth and the effects this process has on the human body. This led Kate into the specialism of pelvic health and more specifically, continence care.
Kate has over 19 years working in this specialist area of physiotherapy and is highly skilled and experienced in treating all kinds of continence issues (both bladder and bowel), prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction. She is also able to help with post childbirth issues such as painful scars and pain during intercourse.
Kate has a specific interest in disorders of the bowel, such as chronic constipation and faecal incontinence. Kate currently works as a clinical specialist within the colorectal team in NHS Fife, and regularly works along side the colorectal consultant to assess and treat patients. Kate is able to offer bladder scans and real time ultrasound scanning of the pelvic floor to aid diagnosis and help patients understand the function of their pelvic floor. This year, Kate is hoping to complete her Non-Medical Prescribing course to further develop her advanced practice skills.
Kate believes in an empathetic, friendly and professional manner to help her patients get the most out of their consultation. She strives to get to the root of what matters to each individual in order to gain resolution of symptoms and therefore maximum satisfaction for her patients. Every consultation is done with the utmost dignity, confidentiality and respect.
Out-with work, Kate enjoys spending time with her family, walking, crochet, and gardening. She is a keen grower of bonsai trees, attending her local bonsai club regularly and has built up quite a collection of trees!. Kate is also extremely passionate for all things animal related and currently owns 6 guinea pigs and a cat.